Over the course of his career as an eminent domain lawyer in Tampa, FL, Mark Bentley had authored numerous publications for a variety of sources across Florida. Topics include eminent domain law, land use law, noise regulations, and more. Here is a collection of his work to browse.
- “Alcoholic Beverage Permitting in Florida: Focus on the City of Tampa” article by: Mark Bentley, Ryan Manasse and Ashley Phillips (PDF).
- Bentley authors “The Florida Land Use and Environmental Dispute Resolution Act (Section 70.51 Florida Statutes)” (Link).
- Bentley authors “Florida Eminent Domain: Maximizing Your Right to Full Compensation” (Link).
- Bentley authors “Florida Legislative Changes to Alcoholic Beverage Laws Make it Easier for Restaurants and Movie Theaters to Sell Liquor” (PDF).
- An Overview of Noise Regulations – 2015 (PDF)
- Bentley authors lead article for the Stetson Law Review on the Florida Land Use and Environmental Dispute Resolution Act. (Spring 2008) (Page)
- Bentley authors article for the Association of Eminent Domain Professionals Newsletter concerning the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision to enact statutory amendments that severely restrict condemning authorities’ power to take private property exclusively for traditional public uses as well as prohibit takings for economic development. (May 2006) (PDF)
- Bentley authors Real Estate article examining new legislation that grants owners of billboards permanent compensable view easements over public property without payment of compensation. (October 2006) (PDF)
- Bentley authors article concerning new law abolishing amortization as a substitute for compensation for the Association of Eminent Domain Professionals Newsletter and the Florida Bar Eminent Domain Committee Newsletter. (Spring 2002) (PDF)
- Bentley authors article for Lawyer on the proposed Florida Hometown Democracy amendment and the effects it could have on eminent domain. (PDF)
- Bentley authors article for Lawyer to examine prerequisites to the lawful exercise of eminent domain in a community redevelopment area. (PDF)
- Bentley authors Lawyer article discussing the expansion of the ability to allow contingent land use approvals to be considered in determining the fair market value of condemned property by the Florida courts. (PDF)
- Bentley authors article for Lawyer discussing landmark cases that illustrate the convergence of Florida’s strong growth management laws with the established power of eminent domain. (PDF)
- Bentley co-authors chapter of The Florida Bar’s Eminent Domain Practice and Procedure Manual elaborating on the exercise of the power of eminent domain and the constitutional limitations on that power. (PDF)
- Bentley authors article for the Stetson Law Review to discuss group homes in Florida. (PDF)
- Bentley mentioned in Tampa Tribune article concerning the possible approval of residential beekeeping in Hillsborough County. (PDF)
- Bentley quoted in Tampa Bay Online article about the approval of home-brew retail store in Seminole Heights. (PDF)
- Bentley quoted in article concerning City Council’s approval of liquor sales at Southern Brewing & Winemaking’s new location. (PDF)
- Bentley successful in obtaining approval for the regulation of a local home-brew retailer. (PDF)